


Bullock, Graham. (2017).Green Grades: Can Information Save the Earth?” MIT Press.


Dahlmann, Frederick and Bullock, Graham. 2020. Nexus thinking in business: Analysing corporate responses to interconnected global sustainability challenges. Environmental Science & Policy.

Bullock, Graham and Hamish van der Ven. 2020. “The Shadow of the Consumer: Analyzing the Importance of Individual Consumers to the Impacts of Ratings, Certifications, and Eco-Labels.” Organization & Environment.

Bullock, Graham. 2019. Review of Rules without Rights: Land, Labor, and Private Authority in the Global Economy, by Tim Bartley. Global Environmental Politics.

Bullock, Graham. 2019. Review of The Green Bundle: Pairing the Market with the Planet, by Magali A. Delmas with David Colgan. Business Ethics Quarterly.

Bullock, Graham, Johnson, Chris and Brian Southwell. (2017). "Activating values to stimulate organic food purchases: can advertisements increase pro-environmental intentions?" Journal of Consumer Marketing.

Bullock, Graham and Alex Theodoridis. (2017).Addressing Concerns about Climate Policies: The Possibilities and Perils of Responsive Accommodation,” Environmental Politics.

Bullock, Graham. (2017).Promoting Sustainable Management: World Wildlife Fund’s Hybrid Strategy to Change the Luxury Industry.” Sustainable Management of Luxury, Springer.

Bullock, Graham, and Nick Wilder (Davidson College Class of ‘13). 2016. “The Comprehensiveness of Competing Higher Education Sustainability Assessments.” The International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 17 (3): 282-304.

Bullock, Graham. 2015. “Signaling the Credibility of Private Actors as Public Agents: Transparency, Independence, and Expertise in Environmental Evaluations of Products and Companies.” Business and Politics 17 (2): 177–219.  Available here.

Bullock, Graham. 2015. “Independent Labels? The Power behind Environmental Information about Products and Companies.” Political Research Quarterly 68 (1): 46–62.


Bullock, Graham. 2018. “How to Counteract Consumer Product Misinformation.” In Misinformation and Mass Audiences, University of Texas Press.

Bullock, Graham and Nicholas Trevino (Davidson College Class of ’17). 2018. “Energy and Fuel Efficiency Standards.” In Today’s Environmental Issues: Democrats and Republicans, ABC-CLIO.

Bullock, Graham. (2016). “Information-Based Governance.” In Handbook of Theories of Governance, Edward Elgar.


"Green Grades: The Popularity and Perceived Effectiveness of Information-Based Environmental Governance Strategies" Dissertation submitted to satisfy the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the University of California, Berkeley.  Click the links below to read the Abstract (2 pages) and the Executive Summary (9 pages). Bullock 2011 Green Grades Dissertation Abstract; Bullock 2011 Green Grades Dissertation Executive Summary

“Engaging Voices: Stakeholders and the Development of National Environmental Indicators (Case Studies from the Sustainable Roundtables, EPA, and the Heinz Center)” Discussion Paper (2006-4) published by Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (2006).  Click here for access to the paper.

“Evaluating ‘Ecotourism:’ Case Studies of Tourist Resource Needs from Yunnan Province, China” Senior Thesis, Princeton University (1999).

“Non-Partisan, Bi-Partisan, or New Partisan? Testing the Effects of Source Credibility on Citizen Attitudes towards Innovative Policy Proposals” (draft in process).

“Divergence between Ideological and Party Identification? Examining the Levels,

“Trends, and Sources of Political Polarization in North Carolina” with John Crawford ’20 (draft in process).

“Information-Based Governance in China,” with Caroline Black (Davidson Class of ’20 (draft in process).

“The Political Epistemology of Alternative Facts: The Contestation and Infiltration of Truth in Environmental Politics,” with Daniel Layman (draft in process).

“Mental Budgets and Green Consumerism: Consumer Responses to Health and Environmental Categorization of Organic Price Premiums,” with Philip Yu (Davidson College Class of ’16) (draft in process).

“The Impact of the UN Global Compact and the Carbon Disclosure Project on Corporate Environmental Performance,” With Chris Johnson (Davidson College Class of ’17) and David Martin (draft in process).

“It’s the End of the World as We Know It? Utility for Outcomes and Views on Climate Change Policy,” with Alex Theodoridis (draft in process).

“Private Environmental Regulation in China: Analyzing the Accountability, Transparency, and Environmental Performance of Corporate Actors,” with Benson Klingler (Davidson College Class of ’18) (draft in process).

“Divergence between Ideological and Party Identification? Examining the Levels, Trends, and Sources of Political Polarization in North Carolina” Paper presented at the Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA (2019).

“Seeking Collective Action from Facts: Information-Based Governance Strategies in China” Presentation delivered at the International Conference on the 40 Years of Reform and Social Change in China co-hosted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Sociology Departments of Fudan University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shanghai, China, co-authored with Caroline Black (Davidson College Class of ‘20 (2018)

"Green Grades: Can Information Save the Earth?” Presentation delivered at a panel symposium on "Can Information Save the Earth?" at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL (2018).

“Can Information Save the Earth? A Teaching Experiment”  Presentation delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Environmental Studies and Sciences, Washington, DC.

“The Politics of Alternative Facts: Five Environmental Cases” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA, co-authored with Daniel Layman (Professor of Philosophy, Davidson College) (2018).

“Private Environmental Regulation in China: Analyzing the Accountability, Transparency, and Environmental Performance of Corporate Actors” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association, San Francisco, CA, co-authored with Benson Klingler (Davidson College Class of ’18) (2018).

 “The United Nations Global Compact and the Carbon Disclosure Project: Comparing Effects, Examining Interactions, and Analyzing Change over Time” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association, San Francisco, CA, co-authored with Chris Johnson (Davidson College Class of ’17)and David Martin (Professor of Economics, Davidson College).

“Green Grades: Expectations, Characteristics, and Pathways” Presentation delivered at University of Michigan Private Governance and Social Movements Workshop, Ann Arbor, MI (2017).

“Transparency, Transformation, and Information-Based Environmental Governance” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA (2016).

“Mental Budgets and Green Consumerism:  Consumer Responses to Health and Environmental Categorization of Organic Price Premiums”  Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA (2016).

“The Eye of the Beholder: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Information-Based Environmental Governance Strategies” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL (2016).

“Engaging the International Relations and Comparative Politics Nexus: A Content Analysis of Global Environmental Politics Syllabi and Texts” Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, Atlanta, GA (2016).

“Confronting Issue Borders and Disciplinary Boundaries: The Role of Environmental Studies Foundation Courses” Presentation delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS), San Diego, CA (2015).

Bridging the Values Divide: Communicating and Activating Diverse Values to Stimulate Pro-Environmental Intentions” Paper presented at the Conference on Communication and the Environment (COCE), Boulder, CO, Co-authors include Chris Johnson (Davidson College Class of ’17) and Brian Southwell (2015).

 “The Meaning of ‘Green:’ Embedded Values in Environmental Certifications and Ratings” Presentation delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS), New York, NY (2014).

“The Claims Jungle” Invited presentation delivered at ISEAL’s Global Sustainability Standards Conference, London, UK (2014).

“The Purveyors of Green: The Organizational Legitimacy of Eco-Labels and Sustainability Ratings” Paper presented at Duke University’s Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions and the University Program in Environmental Policy Seminar Series, Durham, NC (2014).

“Respond and Deliver? Examining the Risks and Rewards of Responsive Accommodation in the Politics of Climate Change” Paper presented at Duke University’s Political Science Seminar Series, Durham, NC and the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL (2014).

“Respond and Deliver? Persuasion and the Politics of Taxes, Jobs, andClimate Change” Paper presented at Dupont Summit 2013 on Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy, Washington, DC (2013).

“Who Persuades the Persuaders?  Power and Accountability in Information-Based Governance Strategies.” Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL (2013).

“The Consumer/Citizen Relationship across Time and Space: Millennial Perspectives on Responsible Citizenship in Different Issue Domains.”  Paper presented at Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative (SCORAI) Conference, Clark University, Worchester, MA (2013).

“Judging Sustainability Claims: Consumer Preferences for Product Eco-Labels.” Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Minneapolis, MN (2012).

“Environmental Evaluations of Companies and Products: The Role of Academia.” Presentation delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS), Santa Clara, CA (2012).

Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?  Expertise and Democracy in Eco-Label Accountability.Presentation delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Cleveland, OH (2011).

“Greening the Dragon: Sustainable Development in China.” Presentation delivered at the SE World Affairs Institute, “Going Green around the World,” Black Mountain, NC (2011).

“Consumer-Oriented Transparency: Recent Trends in Corporate: Sustainability and Accountability” Presentation delivered at SRG’s Bolder Innovation Executive Panel, Boulder, CO (2011).

“Green Demand: Consumer Preferences for Different Types of Product Eco-Labels and Corporate Sustainability Rating” Paper presented at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business Conference, “What Makes A Difference and Why,” Ann Arbor, MI (2011).

“The Ecology of Eco-Labels: Information-Based Environmental Governance in the Electronics Sector” Paper presented at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business Conference, “Informing Green Markets: The Roles of Industry, NGOs, and Government,” Ann  Arbor, MI, (2010).  Click here for powerpoint presentation.

“The Poor Man’s Strategy? Information-Based Environmental Governance in Hard Times” Paper prepared for delivery at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC (2010).

“Information-Based Environmental Governance: Understanding the Emergence and Popularity of Eco-Labels and Environmental Ratings” Presentation delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences, Madison, WI (2009).

“Green Grades of Companies and Products: Legibility and Co-Production in Information-Based Environmental Governance Strategies” Presentation delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Washington, DC (2009).

“The Consumerization of Environmental Information through Eco-Labels and Environmental Ratings” Paper presented at the Intel Research People and Practices Workshop on the Cultural Politics of Technology Consumption, Beaverton, OR (2009).

“Consumers and the Environment” Presentation delivered at the Environmental Science, Policy and Management Graduate Research Symposium, University of California, Berkeley (2007).

“Engaging Voices: Stakeholders and the Development of National Environmental Indicators (Case Studies from the Sustainable Roundtables, EPA, and the Heinz Center)” Discussion Paper (2006-4) published by Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (2006).  Click here for access to the paper.

"Creating Positive Synergies in Mountain-Based Ecotourism Development: Case Studies from the Yunnan Great Rivers Project" Paper published in 2nd International Montane Mountain Southeast Asia (MMSEA II) Conference Proceedings (2003). Click here for access to the paper.

“Creating a Comprehensive Community-Based ‘Ecotourism’ Development Process: A Case Study from Lashihai Watershed in Lijiang County, Yunnan Province” Paper published in Links between Cultures and Biodiversity: Proceedings of Cubik 2000. Kunming, Yunnan: Yunnan Science and Technology Press (2000).